Teleworking risks and cybersecurity
Teleworking and worker mobility have become the main threats in cybersecurity. Cyber-attacks have not stopped increasing since the outbreak of the pandemic. In 2020 there was an increase in cybersecurity incidents. And, during 2021, there has been a significant increase in the number of cyberattacks and their intensity. Even the situation is very likely to get worse. Several factors can increase attacks and increase security risks.
Covid-19 has forced many companies to implement teleworking at forced marches. While it is true that many of them were able to react quickly to this emergency, others were completely caught off guard, which hackers have taken advantage of to access and attack corporate systems, jeopardizing companies' cybersecurity measures.
The rise in remote working over the past year and a half has created new opportunities for hackers, who now simply have to infiltrate a home network to access valuable business information that was once protected.
Why is cybersecurity so critical in teleworking?
According to the situation experienced around the world by the epidemic of the new coronavirus, many companies have opted for their workers to work. This is the strategy known as "teleworking," the purpose of which is to continue fulfilling work responsibilities and taking care of the health of its staff from possible infections. However, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that this might pose a cybersecurity risk for businesses.
The uncertainty, the confinements, and the safety and hygiene measures that surround us since March 2020 have impacted how we relate, how we live, and, of course, how we work. At the center of the upheaval, technology marking with its baton the leap from many educational, entertainment, and work tasks and activities to the online universe. And here, it is essential to have in our hands an electronic device that allows us to access that universe.
Currently, companies are trying to adapt quickly to this new teleworking ecosystem, which demands constant changes, analysis of business models, and an essential focus on safeguarding information and computer systems with more precise tools.
For this reason, remote work is a priority, as well as the protection of information. Micro, SMEs, and large companies should think about going digital through plans that include time and resources but that involve cybersecurity and help them protect their information, their data, their equipment, and those of their collaborators.
How to improve cybersecurity at home?
Having a safe environment is critical for those who work from home, just as the organization can also stay productive and safe. Remote workers need to consider a few things to develop that environment and be more effective:
Implement double authentication factors in all systems and technologies.
Use a VPN solution with policies and protocols, including the necessary permissions identified by user groups.
Achieve a safe WIFI environment. If possible, have a separate WiFi network from the rest of the home.
Continuing education. Keep employees up to date on key aspects of cybersecurity. They can understand the criticality of the issue, what methods are used for attacks, and how to protect themselves.
Device configuration on the network
It is crucial to manage the devices' vulnerabilities after more than a year connected to home networks. Before reconnecting them to the corporate network, it is essential to analyze their security to ensure that they are clean thoroughly. This action can prevent potential malware infections that can compromise your organization's systems. A great effort must be made in asset management, control and reconfiguration, and checking that all devices are patched and updated. Many users do not even restart their machines, so carrying out essential actions is necessary.
In times of teleworking, how can we guarantee safety?
In any of the options, whether we work in the facilities or telework, we must protect the information, considered the organization's main asset.
To achieve security objectives, we also have to consider the threats that may occur due to our infrastructures, such as client devices, remote access servers, and internal servers from which remote access is accessed. For this, we must reduce possible access threats.
Remote work opened a significant challenge to companies that must guarantee the security of their data and systems in a remote context.
We hope that this article helps you understand the importance of cybersecurity for teleworking to avoid suffering cyber-attacks. If you require advice with cybersecurity, contact us, and if you are interested in more content, do not forget to visit our blog.
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